Dissemination Event for the Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy Mongolia

06 - 07 December 2012
State House (A Hall)
, Mongolia

In 2011, the Authority for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection (AFCCP) of Mongolia volunteered for a peer review of its competition regime organized by UNCTAD. The peer review comprised an in-depth assessment of the competition law and policy in Mongolia by an independent expert. Under the chairmanship of Mr. Baris Ekdi, Head, Enforcement and Supervision Department, Turkish Competition Authority, a panel of experts from other competition authorities discussed the findings of the assessment report during the annual meeting of UNCTAD’s Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy in July 2012. The peer review resulted in several recommendations on how to improve the competition legislation and to further strengthen competition law enforcement in Mongolia; and suggested specific technical assistance measures to support Mongolia with the implementation of these recommendations.

The first day of the peer review dissemination event in Ulaanbaatar will inform local stakeholders about the findings and recommendations of the peer review held in 2012. It will further review the progress made to date in the implementation of the peer review recommendations and the support provided by development partners.

The second day of the event is dedicated to a training workshop on specific competition issues identified in consultation with AFCCP. The focus of the training workshops will be particularly on anti-competitive practices, including abuse of dominance, investigation techniques in dealing with cartels and vertical restraints; as well as confidentiality rules in information exchange and international cooperation in competition cases.

The new Chairman of AFCCP will open the event. Resource persons will include international competition experts from Japan, Russian Federation, and Turkey. Representatives from the public and the private sector, the academia, the judiciary, sector regulators, and development partners are invited to participate in the dissemination event.

It is expected that local stakeholders will be informed about the results of the peer review and will be encouraged to support the implementation of its recommendations. Furthermore, a broad range of stakeholders including representatives from the private sector, e.g. business associations and specialized competition lawyers, and consumer organizations shall be sensitized about specific competition issues. The training workshop will strengthen the knowledge and skills of AFCCP staff; and facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices between the participants and the panellists from other competition agencies.

Participants: Representatives of AFCCP and Mongolia’s public and private sector.

Panellists: • Mr. Vladimir Kachalin, Advisor to the Chairman of Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) • Mr. Abdulgani Gungordu, Coordinator, Decisions Department, Turkish Competition Authority • Mr. Yukinari Sugiyama, Director, Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC)

UNCTAD: • Hassan Qaqaya, Head, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch (CCPB) • Ebru Gokce, Legal Officer, CCPB

Authority for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection of Mongolia
Sponsor / funding:
UNCTAD and host country

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Related Site:
Voluntary Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy: Mongolia


Hassan Qaqaya
Tel: +41 22 917 5494