Two organizations join the UNCTAD NGO family

06 February 2019

Gram Bharati Samaiti and International Trademark Association are the latest civil society organizations to receive observer status with the UN trade and development body.

With a swift bang of the gavel, Ambassador Salim Baddoura of Lebanon welcomed on 5 February two non-governmental organizations to the UNCTAD civil society family.

The International Trademark Association (INTA) and Gram Bharati Samiti (the Society for Rural Development) joined 234 other NGOs that have been granted observer status by UNCTAD’s governing Trade and Development Board, over which Ambassador Baddoura currently presides.

The new status allows them a special role in the UN trade and development body’s policy discussions and debates.

For example, only accredited NGOs may take the floor during certain UNCTAD meetings. This is the case for the Trade and Development Board and the ministerial conferences, which gather every four years to set the organization’s mandate.

International Trademark Association

“It is with great pleasure that the International Trademark Association is joining the UNCTAD NGO family,” INTA said in a written statement.

“Given INTA’s global expertise and diverse membership base, we stand ready to advise and collaborate on matters facilitating the harmonization of the international trading system, enforcement of IP rights, and the protection of consumers,” the statement added.

“We thank UNCTAD for being an inclusive platform where all stakeholders have the opportunity to interact while learning from each other.”

INTA is a global association of more than 7,200 trademark owners, professionals, and academics from 191 countries dedicated to fostering consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation.

Founded in 1878, the organization is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Brussels, Santiago, Shanghai, Singapore, and Washington, D.C., and representatives in Geneva and New Delhi.

Gram Bharati Samiti

Based in Jaipur, India, Gram Bharati Samiti works with women entrepreneurs, artisans, farmers and landless laborers, according to a written statement addressed to UNCTAD’s member countries.

“While working with the women entrepreneurs it is a matter of concern that worryingly, India’s rapid urbanization has not yet encouraged more women to join the labor force,” the statement said.

“We can accelerate progress by working together,” it added.

All non-governmental organizations, trade unions, business associations and other civil society organizations wishing to work closely with UNCTAD on trade and development issues are encouraged to apply for observer status.

UNCTAD’s member countries have the final word on whether an organization meets the criteria set by the Trade and Development Board.