Handover ceremony of the chair of G-77 and China

Statement by Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD

Handover ceremony of the chair of G-77 and China

Geneva, Switzerland
14 January 2021

The Group of 77 and China and UNCTAD share a common origin, based on the vision of a fairer prosperity that dates back to UNCTAD I. Over 55 years after the birth of both UNCTAD and the G77 and China, that vision is more relevant than ever. We live in a world plagued by increasing inequalities, and more than ever we need to be able to tackle global solutions in a multilateral inclusive way, listening to the poor and more vulnerable at the forefront and seizing the opportunity of a paradigm-shifting pandemic to build a better world.

2020 was a challenging year in the work of the intergovernmental machinery, as meetings had to quickly move from a physical to a virtual set up, with no lead time to identify appropriate technology or adapt the working methods.

At the beginning of the year, Zambia started as African Group coordinator, yet it quickly moved to fill in the vacancy in the leadership of the G-77 and China in Geneva, with ambassador Mwitumwa assuming the Chair by early March. Zambia played an important role in ensuring this transition, embracing from early on the virtual setting, including by organizing itself a series of Standing Dialogue meetings on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on developing countries. These Standing Dialogue sessions counted with the support of all UNCTAD Directors and were an important step to craft a common understanding of the many facets of the crisis triggered by the pandemic.

During the year, Zambia also led the process of preparation of the position paper of the Group of 77 and China for UNCTAD 15, which expanded over several months, bringing together 135 members of the Group to agree on a common vision on the major development questions of our time and looking towards Barbados.

During 2020, due to the reduction in the number of formal meetings, the functioning of the intergovernmental machinery relied heavily on the extended bureau, giving an enhanced role for the regional coordinators as compared to a normal year. Ambassador Mwitumwa took it upon herself to personally represent the G-77 and China at every meeting, carrying the voice of the Global South throughout this difficult period.

By late summer, Afghanistan stepped in as the Vice-Chair, providing much needed reinforcements to Zambia. As per the rotation of the Group, Afghanistan is therefore now tapped to take over the Chair of the Group for 2021, which will be a key year given UNCTAD 15 and the need to continue tackling the development challenges associated with the pandemic.

The circumstances of UNCTAD 15 timing have been such that Ambassadors Mwitumwa and Andisha will see their respective tenures as a continuation of the work of the Group for the quadrennial conference. This is testament to the spirit of cooperation of the Global South and to development as a cause, which is characteristic of the Group of 77 and China.