Peru trade minister to open South-South expert meeting

23 October 2012

H.E. Mr. José Luis Silva Martinot, Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, will be delivering a keynote address at the opening of the fourth Multi-year Expert Meeting on International Cooperation: South-South Cooperation and Regional Integration, on Wednesday 24th October.

José Luis Silva Martinot
H.E. Mr. José Luis Silva Martinot, Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

Mr. Silva has extensive experience in trade, promotion of Peruvian natural products and business management. He holds a degree in accounting and business administration from Universidad del Pacífico, Lima. He also holds a master's degree in business administration from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima.

Mr. Silva has proactively participated in several meetings on biodiversity, intellectual property rights, medicinal plants and the environment. He has authored many articles on the consumption of local products, with a view to creating employment and development.

Mr. Silva was Deputy General Manager of HERSIL S.A. from 1998 to 2011, and President of the Association of Exporters of Peru from 2007 to 2010. He was appointed Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism on 28 July 2011.

The Expert Meeting is being held by UNCTAD's Unit on Economic Cooperation and Integration among Developing Countries, in Geneva, on 24 and 25 October. This year's meeting will focus on "Trade financing and the role of regional financial institutions in promoting South-South trade and investment".

In his keynote address to UNCTAD member States, Mr. Silva will be sharing Peru's experiences of how trade and investment can boost development and social inclusion in the current global context characterized by a fragile economic recovery and financial instability.

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