The State of Commodity Dependence 2014

The aim of The State of Commodity Dependence is to present an up-to-date overview of the commodity dependence in developing countries in a friendly and easy-to-understand manner. In fact, commodities represent an essential source of export revenues for developing countries, but they also contribute for the main part of households' and governments' income in exporting countries. Moreover, commodities are also an important problematic in terms of social and political stability as well as of development in developing countries.

While the global notion of dependency is often well-known, its exact magnitude in developing countries and in the most vulnerable ones in particular, is not often well estimated. This is the purpose of the State of Commodity Dependence than to fill this information gap.

The State of Commodity Dependence 2014
[Click to expand image]

A developing country is considered as "Commodity Dependent Developing Country" (CDDC) when its commodity export revenues contribute for more than 60 per cent of its total good export earnings.

  • Two thirds of all developing countries are considered as CDDCs in 2012-2013 with 1 out of 2 located in Africa.

  • Commodity dependence increased in half of developing countries since 2009-2010


The State of Commodity Dependence 2014 report is divided in 13 sub-regional chapters; each chapter providing the same set of information:

  • A sub-regional introductory page presenting the performance of individual countries in the area for the main indicators under review in the report,

  • Individual country profiles for all countries in the sub-region. These country-specific tables aim to present - side by side - the latest available data with reference data for 30 different indicators.

14 Apr 2015