Inter-Agency initiatives

In cooperation with UN agencies and other partners organizations, UNCTAD works to coordinate a wide variety of capacity development initiatives, helping national statistical offices and systems to improve their data collection, and statistical production and dissemination, and also to develop the international statistical system.

Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)

Established in 2002, the Committee, comprised of international and supranational organizations, has a mandate for the provision of international official statistics. It enables: efficient functioning of the statistical system; common standards and platforms; development of methodologies; inter-institutional support; outreach; and advocacy for statistics.

In doing so, in 2005, CCSA endorsed the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities that define the functioning of the international statistical system.

Acknowledging the role of UNCTAD in establishment and strengthening of the world statistical framework, it was elected in 2009 to hold a CCSA co-chair mandate for 2 years that was further extended through 2013.

Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)





Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development

This multi-stakeholder initiative launched by UNCTAD in 2004 aims to define a list of internationally comparable ICT indicators and methodology for their collection. Developing countries in particular benefit from this project being helped collecting ICT statistics through capacity-building and hands-on training for national statistical offices.

Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development



United Nations Statistical Commission

UNCTAD is represented in the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and contributes to the development of the global statistical system and the definition of news standards. In 2007, UNSC endorsed the core list of indicators on information and communication technologies (ICT), which was developed by the Partnership on Measuring ICT for development.

Inter-agency Task Forces

Task Force on International Trade Statistics (TFITS)

In March 2014 at the joint meeting of the Task Force on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (TFIMTS) and the Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services (TFSITS), the proposal to merge the task forces was approved. The co-chairs of the merged Task Force on International Trade Statistics (TFITS) are OECD and WTO. The TFITS will meet once a year.

The task force members are: Eurostat, FAO, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, UNIDO, UNSD, UN regional commissions, WCO, WTO.

For further information please visit the TFITS page.

Task Force on Finance Statistics (TFFS)

The Task Force on Finance Statistics (TFFS) sets methodological standards for statistics on external debt, and on public sector debt; promotes data availability on financial stocks, particularly external and public sector debt; encourages internationally accepted statistical practices to enhance data quality; and fosters inter-agency collaboration in statistical capacity building. The current members of the TFFS are the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Commonwealth Secretariat (ComSec), ECB, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, the Paris Club Secretariat, UNCTAD, and the World Bank. It is chaired by the Statistics Department of the IMF.

For further information please visit the TFFS page.