Launch of the Economic Development in Africa Report 2023

Launch of the Economic Development in Africa Report 2023
16 agosto 2023
09:00 - 17:00 hrs.

UNCTAD's annual Economic Development in Africa Report analyses major aspects of the continent's development problems and policy issues of interest to countries in the region.

The Economic Development in Africa Report 2023, entitled "The Potential of Africa to Capture Technology-intensive Global Supply Chains", examines how African economies can major participants in global supply chains.

Efforts to fortify global supply chains in the face of recent disruptions have opened up opportunities for Africa to become a manufacturing destination for high-technology sectors like automobiles, mobile phones and renewable energy.

The continent's vast resources of critical minerals and metals that are vital components in technology-intensive industries position it as an attractive destination.

Africa also offers advantages such as shorter and simpler access to primary inputs, a younger, technology-aware, and adaptable labour force, and a burgeoning middle class.