COP 22 Side Event: Strengthening the Focus on Freight Transport in the Climate Agenda

11 November 2016
10:00 - 18:00 hrs. COP 22 Bad Ighli Site, Green Zone, Room 6
, Morocco

Freight transport accounts for 42% of transport CO2 emissions and is increasingly recognized as an important sector that has a role to play in curbing global GHG emissions. An increasing number of sustainable transport initiatives are being developed or implemented to move ahead with this agenda.

In this context, UNCTAD is organizing a side event on the margins of COP 22 to identify and discuss the freight transport and climate agenda nexus.

More specifically, the event aims to help:

  • Raise awareness about the role of sustainable freight transport in enabling an effective sustainable development path.

  • Share best practices in the field of low-carbon and sustainable freight transport and discuss potential collaboration across modes and among stakeholders from both the public and the private sectors.

  • Articulate a way forward.

COP 22

Target audience: Governments, industry, IGOs, NGOs, financing institutions, academia, civil society, and, generally parties involved or interested in freight transport and its sustainability.

Panelists will include representatives from government, IMO, transit and transport corridors, experts in low-carbon transport.


Frida Youssef
Chief, Transport Section/Trade Logistics Branch