First COMPAL Regional Training for Judges on Consumer Protection in Latin America

15 - 17 November 2017
Academia de la Magistratura
, Peru

​The Judicial Academy is the official institution of the Peruvian State, whose purpose is to develop a comprehensive and continuous system of training, updating, improvement, certification and accreditation of the magistrates of the Judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office, promoting their ethical and legal training, their creative conscience and the permanent reflection on the role that they assume at the service of the administration of justice in the country's social and economic development. In addition, it extends its training activities to judicial assistants.

The COMPAL program is a United Nations Program for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) that provides institutional strengthening and technical assistance in the areas of Competition Policy and Consumer Protection to 17 beneficiary countries in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO) has been a donor of the COMPAL Program since 2004. The third phase of the program, which takes place between 2015 and 2018, is currently being implemented.

The Judicial Academy and UNCTAD signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between the two institutions that will make it possible to develop training programs for judges in the Latin American and Caribbean region. To this end, it is planned to develop the I LATIN AMERICAN TRAINING PROGRAM FOR JUDGES IN CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW: Judicial protection of consumer rights in Latin America.
The course will gather high-court judges from: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Uruguay as well as the Andinean Community.
The course also seeks to exchange the different judicial experiences in the resolution of consumer protection cases with the aim of advancing in a coherence and uniformity, within the limits of each legislation, in the application of consumer protection law in Latin America, creating the first regional learning community to generate a source of knowledge and jurisprudence with the objective of supporting the entities in charge of ensuring consumer protection to make informed and homogeneous decisions and to promote a culture that encourages the good management of markets with the purpose of contributing to the economic welfare of citizens.
13 Nov 2017
Escuela de la Magistratura, Peru
Sponsor / funding:
COMPAL Programme

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