Gender and Trade Executive Training Seminar

08 - 10 May 2019
Sala del Capitolo, Badia Fiesolana
, Italy

The Executive Training “Gender and Trade” of the School of Transitional Governance examines the interplay trade, gender and sustainable development. Trade policy is not gender neutral: the distributional outcomes of trade vary between women and men, since they play different roles in society and in the economy, and they enjoy different opportunities. If trade policies are designed without taking into account gender-specific outcomes, they risk magnifying existing gender gaps instead of bridging them. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how trade policies can become inclusive and beneficial for all and contribute to women’s economic empowerment.

The Executive Training is co-organised with UNCTAD and ITC and will hone your specific knowledge and upgrade your skills by focusing on:

  • the links between trade, gender and sustainable development
  • current trends on gender mainstreaming in policy making, policy implementation and in institutional frameworks
  • the diverse ways in which women participate in production and trade, including through global value chains


By combining lectures from well-known experts in the field, practical exercises, case studies, individual and group work, the course aims to train professionals involved in policy-making, policy advice, programme management, research, teaching, negotiations and advocacy on the links between trade, gender and sustainable development. ​


European University Institute, UNCTAD, ITC
Sponsor / funding:
Training Fees: € 1,300

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Gender equality Gender equality