Second National Stakeholder Workshop, Vanuatu National Green Export Review

06 - 07 August 2015
Melanesian Hotel, Thai room
Port Vila
, Vanuatu

  ​Vanuatu's Ministry of Trade, Tourism Industry and, Commerce (MTTCNVB) through the Department of Industry, jointly with United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) are convening the Second National Stakeholder Workshop of Vanuatu's National Green Export Review.

The objective of the workshop is to follow up on the First National Stakeholder Workshop convened in August 2014 by developing recommendations and a national action plan aimed at enhancing value added and export capacity for copra, cocoa and sandalwood products. To support workshop discussions, three national experts have prepared a national report analyzing these three products/sectors, and proposing recommendations and an action plan for consideration by stakeholders.

ditc-ted-vanuatu-coconut300.jpgThe three products/sectors to be analyzed during the workshop are copra, cocoa and sandalwood. In this regard, the workshop will serve as a platform to discuss potential ways to increase production and exports of these products and enhance local value added, alongside required actions, policies, institutional support and financing.

ditc-ted-vanuatu-sandalwood.jpgAdditionally, it is expected that the workshop will explore linkages to tourism, factors of production, competitiveness, and key market opportunities.

By the end of the workshop, stakeholders will adopt consensus recommendations and an agreed action plan to improve national productive capacities; strengthen policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks; and build a marketing strategy for export of these products.


Vanuatu Daily Post news article 1

Vanuatu Daily Post news article 2

Vanuatu Daily Post news article 3

10 Aug 2015
The Ministry for Trade, Tourism, Commerce and Ni Vanuatu Business Development (MTTCNVB)
Sponsor / funding:
United Nations Development Account

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Related Site: ​The Ministry for Trade, Tourism, Commerce and Ni Vanuatu Business Development (MTTCNVB)
