UNCTAD-UNODC present methodology for SDG indicator 16.4.1

21 - 24 October 2019
United Nations Conference Centre
Addis Ababa
, Ethiopia

The tenth meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), will be held from 21 to 24 October 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting will be hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

The main purpose of this meeting was to tier III workplans and assess whether tier III indicators (including indicator 16.4.1 dealing with illicit financial flows) are ready to be reclassified to tier II. UNCTAD and UNODC will present the conceptual framework developed for indicator 16.4.1. The meeting will also review proposals for revisions, replacements, additions and deletions to the global indicator framework in preparation for the 2020 Comprehensive Review.

22 Oct 2019  -  Agenda item 9. Review of requests for tier reclassification of Tier III indicators 

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