Workshop on Angola's prospects for graduation from ''Least Developed Countries'' status.

30 July - 01 August 2013
Luanda, Angola
, Angola

Training and capacity building workshop on sustainable graduation: Policies and strategies for structural transformation, productive capacity- building and inclusive growth in Angola


At the request of the Government of Angola, UNCTAD will organize a national training and capacity building workshop on Angola's progress toward graduation from the category of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) (1).

The workshop will examine Angola's prospects, opportunities and challenges in meeting the current graduation criteria: Income (GNI per capita), Human Assets Index, and Economic Vulnerability Index.

The training and capacity building workshop will provide a unique opportunity to examine in detail the progress, challenges and opportunities relating to Angola's eventual graduation from the category of the least developed countries. This will help to better articulate policies and strategies prior to, during and after graduation, with a focus on ensuring structural economic transformation centred on building productive capacities, including diversification, value-addition and employment creation.

UNCTAD has  a long record of assisting countries graduating from the category of Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This includes support in developing smooth transition strategy, vulnerability profile and designing policies and strategies for post-graduation environment.

In this regard, UNCTAD's research and policy analysis underscores that successful economic growth such as the one observed in Angola in recent years should be the cause and consequence of structural economic transformation, which is the creation of new areas of activities by shifting resources from traditional to modern sectors and from low-technology and low-productivity to high-technology and higher-productivity areas of production. Such an approach will be discussed during the training workshop.

The workshop will be attended by senior Government officials of Angola - policy makers and advisors - as well as representatives from the private sector and civil society, including academic institutions.


(1) The category of LDCs was established in 1971 by the General Assembly comprising 25 countries. currently, there are 49 LDCs, with only three countries - Botswana (1994), Cape-Verde (2007) and Maldives (2011) - graduating from the group in more than four decades since the establishment of the category of LDCs.

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Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes
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1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
T. 41 22 917 5606
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