Educating a future generation of trade negotiators in Asia

20 January 2015

Perdana University of Malaysia, in collaboration with UNCTAD, has launched the Master of International Trade - a pioneering programme that will shape the study of International Trade in the region.

The Master of International Trade is a postgraduate programme offered by Perdana University, in collaboration with UNCTAD and Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Management and Law (ZHAW), with the support of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia.

The programme is the first output of a Memorandum of Understanding between UNCTAD and the University of Perdana, signed in February 2014, and designed to assist Malaysia enhance the capacity of trade and competition officials to negotiate and effectively apply relevant rules and laws.

It will be taught by fly-in faculty from UNCTAD, ZHAW, the University of St Gallen (Switzerland) and the German University of Cairo (Egypt). In addition, the programme will draw of the expertise of trade negotiators from developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

UNCTAD will not only provide resource persons but also: training material; studies; reports; and a data-bank on trade, competition and consumer policy measures. The information will be gradually built into a knowledge management platform for the dissemination of UNCTAD research and policy products.

The course was opened by the Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Mr Lee Chee Leong and the Vice Chancellor of the Perdana University, Dr Sothi Rachagan. The first module of the course was given during the week 5-9 January, 2015 by Professor Simon Evenett, St Galen University.

The course is designed for professionals and those interested in the field of trade, competition and development, and wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in negotiations of regional and multilateral commercial agreements.

The Master degree will cover twelve intensive modules that will provide hands-on expertise in trade negotiations and related issues, particularly the nexus between trade, competition and development; simulation of negotiations and quantitative techniques for evaluating negotiation outcomes.

Although this year's group of students will be composed of officials from MITI, business associations and Postgraduate students from Malaysia, the course will be gradually opened to trade negotiators from other ASEAN and Asian countries.