Least Developed Countries Report 2015

25 November 2015

​In its Least Developed Countries Report 2015, subtitled "Transforming Rural Economies", UNCTAD proposes a roadmap to fight against the root causes of migration flows within and from least developed countries (LDCs) and to eliminate poverty by 2030.

LDCR 2015

The migration of poor people from the countryside into cities fuels excessive rates of urbanization in many of the 48 LDCs, while many international migrants come from rural areas.

More than two thirds of the population of LDCs live in rural areas, and 60 per cent work in agriculture, highlighting the need for structural changes focused on the fight against poverty. This means developing the synergies between agricultural modernization and diversification of the rural economy.

UNCTAD recommends placing more importance on non-farm rural activities instead of primarily focusing on increasing agricultural productivity, as well as increasing the production of higher-value agricultural products.

Since 2012, economic growth in LDCs has continued to slow, reaching 5.5 per cent in 2014 as compared to 6.1 per cent in 2013.

The eradication of poverty by 2030 is one of the main objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals recently adopted by the international community.





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