Ministry of Culture of Cabo Verde advances in the formulation of public policies for the development of their Creative Economy

27 July 2015

The Integrated Strategic Plan for the Development of the Creative Economy in Cabo Verde elaborated by the Ministry of Culture is now available and it includes some of the recommendations put forward by the UNCTAD/EIF study "Economias Criativas Cabo-Verdianas: Potencializando vocações para um novo desenvolvimento".

The Integrated Strategic Plan is linked to the principles of sustainability, diversity, inclusion and innovation.

The Plan prioritizes strategies which aim to contribute to the:

  1. Establishment and ownership of this Creative Economy Initiative by the largest set of sectors, activities and creative territories in Cape Verde.

  2. Consolidation of the internal market for cultural and creative products, to increase jobs, incomes and business opportunities.

  3. Strengthening of diversity and cultural identity.

  4. Commercialization and marketing of cultural and creative products in national and international markets.

The Study is available in English and Portuguese. The Integrated Strategic Plan for the Development of the Creative Economy in Cabo Verde is available in Portuguese.