Occupation of Palestinian territory jeopardizes economic viability of two-state solution, UNCTAD report says

03 September 2014

UNCTAD’s Report on Assistance to the Palestinian People 2014 details how Palestinian economic deterioration, which is largely rooted in the territory's occupied status, has resulted in weak growth, a precarious fiscal position, forced dependence on the Israeli economy, mass unemployment, wider and deeper poverty, and greater food insecurity.

Palestine Report
UNCTAD’s Report on Assistance to the Palestinian People 2014


On-going reversal of Palestinian development will be accelerated by recent military operations in Gaza


Even before the latest military operations, Gaza's local economy was in a state of total collapse, chiefly because of the accumulated impact of a tightly maintained seven-year blockade and two devastating Israeli military operations in November 2012 and December 2008.

The consequences of the most recent conflict will be grave for the Palestinian people and their economic viability, UNCTAD economists warn.