UNCTAD shares its expertise at the global entrepreneurship week

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UNCTAD shares its expertise at the global entrepreneurship week

Geneva, Switzerland, 11 November 2011

Geneva, 11 November 2011 - Founded in 2008 by the Kauffman Foundation for entrepreneurship in the United States, the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), is an international campaign that aims to give young people the confidence, skills, and ambition to create sustainable enterprises that have a positive impact on their communities.

In 2008, its inaugural year, the GEW involved more than 3 million participants in 80 countries, and 25,000 activities with 8,800 local partner organizations. In 2011, as many as 120 countries from all continents will participate in the week with nearly 24,000 partner organizations planning more than 37,000 activities that directly engage more than 7 million people.

Led by the Kauffman Foundation, in cooperation with Switzerland´s host organisation Startup Weekend Switzerland, the University of Geneva, the Economic Development Office of Geneva and Genilem, the opening event will take place on 14 November, at the Palais des Nations.

United States Ambassador Betty E. King will deliver the keynote speech, followed by an interactive discussion with some of the most innovative Swiss entrepreneurs, including PlanetSolar, a young enterprise that aims at circumnavigating the globe in a boat entirely driven by solar energy, and students from the University of Geneva.

During the week, UN agencies will support the University of Geneva in several related activities and showcase their work in the field of promoting entrepreneurship and innovation to students and the interested public.

UNCTAD, together with a number of social entrepreneurs, will be sharing its experience on social entrepreneurship at the University of Geneva on 16 November. Students will also have the chance to interact with a trainer of UNCTAD´s EMPRETEC Programme in the Bar de l´Innovation which is run by students during the week.

Through its EMPRETEC programme, UNCTAD inspires entrepreneurs in developing countries to start and grow their businesses. With more than 20 years of experience, EMPRETEC has trained over 200,000 people in 32 countries to date. Its training methods are highly interactive, experimental and practical; they are aimed at creating a real change in the mentality of potential entrepreneurs.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week enjoys the support and official endorsement of numerous global leaders. United States President Barack Obama, declared November 2011 as the National Entrepreneurship Month. Prime Minister David Cameron (UK), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel), President Anibal Cavaco Silva (Portugal), Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Canada), and President John Atta Mills (Ghana), all are creating programmes to stimulate entrepreneurship in their countries.

"Not only are young firms the source of most new jobs, they also keep older firms vibrant and provide the greatest promise for innovating our way through the world´s toughest challenges," says Jonathan Ortmans, president of Global Entrepreneurship Week. "Global Entrepreneurship Week provides a chance for millions around the world to unleash their ideas-creating hundreds or even thousands of new firms that drive economic growth and expand human welfare."

Speakers and panellists on Monday 14 November, Palais des Nations, E-Building, Room XXII, 10:00 - 13:00:

  • Introduction by UNCTAD
  • Keynote Speech by United States Ambassador Mrs. Betty E. King


  • Dr. Maximilian Martin, CEO and Founder, Impact Economy
  • Mr. Pascal Goulpié, Co-founder and Managing Director, Planet Solar
  • Mr. Carsten Bührer, CEO, Zenergy Power
  • Dr. Patrick Molle, President, EMLYON Business School