Computing non-tariff measures indicators: analysis with UNCTAD TRAINS data

UNCTAD Research Paper No. 41

Data on Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) contribute to transparency and can be used for statistics suitable for economic analysis.

This study provides a description of the data cleaning process applied to the UNCTAD TRAINS NTM Data for Research and describes the standard methodology to compute indicators. Analysts can use the indicators for descriptive statistics or as variables in economic models.

The objective of this document is to describe in detail the nuances in the treatment of the data in practical terms and share the procedures to synthesize the data into indicators that provide information that is useful to build knowledge and derive conclusions.

The indicators resulting from the application of the described methodology are available for download from the UNCTAD TRAINS ( web site and the NTM hub (

Computing non-tariff measures indicators: analysis with UNCTAD TRAINS Data - UNCTAD Research Paper No. 41  (UNCTAD/SER.RP/2019/13)
Author: Denise Penello Rial.
13 Jan 2020

