Measuring ICT and Gender: An Assessment

Report prepared for the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development

This report constitutes part of the efforts by the Task Group on Gender (TGG) of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership) to improve the availability of sex-disaggregated ICT data, especially in developing countries.

It takes stock of existing ICT indicators disaggregated by sex, assesses data availability and identifies main gaps based on an evaluation of needs and demand for such indicators. It also identifies areas covered as well as potential new areas where sex-disaggregated data are desirable, and where further methodological work is needed in order to develop relevant indicators to fill the data gaps.

Measuring ICT and Gender: An Assessment - Report prepared for the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development  (UNCTAD/WEB/DTL/STICT/2014/1)
21 May 2014