Ad-Hoc Expert Meeting on Building Skills in Developing Countries: Training, Networking and ICTs

27 - 28 November 2006

Analytical capacity on trade and the linkages between research and policymaking, together with trade-related training and teaching capacity are fundamental components in our efforts to build knowledge and skills for international trade. The development of a sustainable local capacity to deal with trade and investment issues are at stake.

The Ad-Hoc Expert Meeting organized by UNCTAD aims at providing an opportunity for an open dialogue in which experiences and best practices can be shared and participants from different regions of the world learn from one another. Participation in this debate will allow developing countries and a wide range of actors and stakeholders to acquire knowledge on the methods and tools, including ICT and networking, which can be deployed when developing strategies for local sustainable human resources and institution-building in the field of trade.

Speakers will include representatives from governments, international organizations and university networks, who will present various modes of delivery specifically designed and implemented for trade-related education and training, including examples of online distance learning (e.g. Masters or short courses), twinning, regional cooperation and workshops.

Some of the questions which will be addressed by the expert panels are:

  • What are the long-term challenges in the building of trade-related knowledge and skills facing developing countries?

  • What are the different organizational models for the establishment and delivery of trade-related academic/training programmes?

  • What are the financial models behind these programmes?

  • How could the relevance and use of local research be enhanced and the links strengthened between policy makers and researchers?

  • How can one build a sustainable research/analytical capacity? How can the local research capacity be coordinated at the national level?

Government officials, representatives of the private sector, academia and NGOs dealing with capacity-building of trade-related knowledge and skills are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting.

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(TD/B/COM.3/AHM.1/INF.1) -  17 Dec 2006
(TD/B/COM.3/AHM.1/1) -  12 Oct 2006
(TD/B/COM.3/AHM.1/1) -  12 Oct 2006

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