Establishing trade facilitation priorities for Sudan in the context of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

02 - 03 December 2015
Corinthia Hotel
, Sudan

​This will be the first event in Sudan organized within the framework of the UK-funded project  to assist in the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, in close cooperation with the World Customs Organisation.

The event will address the Sudanese Trade Facilitation Committee, as well as other stakeholders. The objectives are:
- Inform and raise awareness of members of the committee about the joint UK Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)/WCO/UNCTAD project
- Update UNCTAD's National Trade Facilitation Plan for Sudan and validate the updated version with stakeholders
- Identify specific training needs of members of the committee
- Develop and adopt a work plan, including the establishment of priorities, for strengthening the capacities of the members of the committee during the first part of 2016
- Take stock of previous engagements by the WCO and identify opportunities for future support
- Develop and adopt a work plan, including the establishment of priorities, for supporting the implementation of measures included in the Trade Facilitation Agreement within Sudan Customs, based on the WCO’s Mercator Programme
World Customs Organisation, Sudan Trade Facilitation Committee
Sponsor / funding:
UK Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

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Arantzazu Sanchez
Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Trade Facilitation Section