Non-Tariff Measures (National Training Workshop)

08 - 09 October 2015
Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore

​UNCTAD coordinates the international effort to improve access and increase transparency with regard to official NTMs, and trains experts globally to collect and classify information about these measures. The collection of NTM data is a resource-intensive task and requires specific technical knowledge.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore has invited UNCTAD to develop a short training course to provide a comprehensive overview of the NTM classification and data collection approach to policy makers working within the government of Singapore.

The training will be provided by two staffs and a consultant from the Trade Information Section of the Trade Analysis Branch of the Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities of UNCTAD. The training materials and agenda were built on the materials from the annual online training course on NTM and data collection held by UNCTAD. The trainers will also bring to the training course recent and practical case studies based on the data collection and classification of NTM in ASEAN that UNCTAD is currently doing with the cooperation from ERIA (The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia).

Sponsor / funding:
Singaporean Government

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