Civil Society Forum: Day 3

Civil Society Forum: Day 3
24 September 2021
14:45 - 19:40 hrs. (CEST) / 08:45-13:40 hrs. (AST)
Virtual Conference Centre, Frangipani Auditorium


14:45-15:00 (CEST)
08:45-09:00 (AST)


Closing session of the forum


  • Ms. Kozel Peters-Frazer, Caribbean Policy Development Centre and host country civil society coordinating organization
  • Ms. Arlette Verploegh, Chief, Communications and External Relations, UNCTAD
  • Ms. Shantal Munro-Knight, Barbados UNCTAD15 Civil Society Forum Lead


15:05–16:20 (CEST)
09:05–10:20 (AST)

Solidarity and system change are the only way forward to overcome the global economic, health, and human rights crisis: feminist perspectives from Asia and the Pacific

[Side event organized by the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development]

15:05–16:20 (CEST)
09:05–10:20 (AST)

Exploring the divide between the global north and south

[Side event organized by Tax Justice Network Africa]


16:25–17:40 (CEST)
10:25–11:40 (AST)

Sustainable solutions to debt crisis, the role of UNCTAD

[Side event organized by the Global Policy Forum]

16:25–17:40 (CEST)
10:25–11:40 (AST)

How do we build a just recovery from the COVID crisis

[Side event organized by Friends of the Earth International]

17:40–19:40 (CEST)
11:40–13:40 (AST)

Discussion on the Civil Society Declaration

The session will provide for discussion and confirmation of the Civil Society Declaration


  • Drafting Group Member


  • Chair, International Civil Society Facilitation Group

[This document has been prepared by the UNCTAD 15 International Civil Society Facilitation Committee.]



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