Graduation ceremony for the second edition of the online course on the interface between competition policy and MSME development

07 May 2024
14:00 - 15:30 hrs.
, Switzerland

Under the United Nations Development Account project on "Global Initiative towards post-Covid 19 resurgence of the MSME sector," UNCTAD launched the online course on the interface between competition policy & MSME development.

The course aims to address member States' requests for the link between competition and SMEs and the adoption of broader societal/economic objectives in competition policy enforcement. This course took place from 1 February to 31 March 2024.

UNCTAD secretariat organizes this virtual graduation ceremony to congratulate participants who successfully completed the course. At the second edition of this event, participants will again have the opportunity to meet the course developers and trainers who delivered the course, share their learning experiences and give feedback, connect with peer participants, and continue the discussion on competition policy and MSME development.

Sponsor / funding:
UNDA technical cooperation project 2020-2022

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