Launch of the Iraq eTrade Readiness Assessment (eT Ready+)

03 December 2020
09:00 - 11:00 hrs. (UTC+3)
Online (WebEx)
, Iraq

In cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Trade, UNCTAD is organizing the virtual launch of the eTrade Readiness Assessment of Iraq. This event will present the main findings of the Assessment and provide a platform to discuss the Government priorities regarding the implementation of the recommendations included in the Assessment. It will also be an opportunity to reflect on the role of development partners in the digital transformation of Iraq.

The eT Ready of Iraq is the first of a series of assessments for developing countries that follows an enhanced methodology, including contributions by eTrade for all partners. The Assessment of Iraq was prepared in close collaboration with the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and was funded by the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC).

The eTrade Readiness Assessment Programme has assisted so far 25 LDCs to identify and address the challenges they face for the development of e-commerce. The demand-driven Assessments aim to provide a thorough overview of the current e-commerce ecosystem in each country and recommend conducive policy measures in 7 policy areas to advance their digital agenda.

The Assessment of Iraq shows that the emergence of e-commerce in the country is promising and has the potential to create jobs, diversify the economy, increase exports and stimulate domestic demand. As the country continues to rebuild after years of conflict, e-commerce can provide a significant boost to many existing industries and generate new opportunities for young people, women and aspiring entrepreneurs. However, the country faces complex and interconnected policy barriers to advance its digital economy agenda. These include slow and costly Internet connectivity, poor transport and logistics infrastructure, the lack of legislation governing e-commerce and related services, restrictions on money and profits transfer and limited digital skills, among others. The Assessment will provide a blueprint for the country to put in place the necessary reforms and move towards a technology, knowledge-based economy.

Register HERE

27 Nov 2020
Iraq Ministry of Communications; Iraq Ministry of Trade
Sponsor / funding:
International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation

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E-commerce and the digital economy E-commerce and the digital economy



Iris Macculi