Participation of UNCTAD at the G20 International Conference on Consumer Protection, Japan Presidency

05 - 06 September 2019
JR Hotel Clement Tokushima
, Japan

​UNCTAD will attend and intervene in the G20 International Conference on Consumer Protection on "Emerging Challenges to Consumer Policy in the Digital Age", organized under the G20 Japanese Presidency by the Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan and the Tokushima Prefectural Government.

This international conference dedicated to Consumer protection follows the previous experiences of the Argentina and Germany, which held Consumer Summits within their G20 presidencies, underlining the relevance of Consumer protection policies for inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development.
UNCTAD will address the role of Consumer Protection Agencies in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals, following the discussion on the contribution of Consumer policy to sustainable consumption held in the fourth session of UNCTAD's Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer protection law and policy, in July 2019 in Geneva, based on a background note drafted by the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch team (TD/B/C.I/CPLP/17, 29/04/2019).
Other speakers include representatives from Consumer protection agencies from developed and developing countries, from other international and regional organizations (OECD and European Commission) and from Consumers International, the world federation of consumer associations.
The International Conference sessions on the protection of vulnerable consumers in the digital age and on promoting consumer education to young people (organized by Tokushima Prefecture) in the second day (6 September), will be open to the public.
Tokushima Prefectural Government
Sponsor / funding:
Consumer Affairs Agency of the Government of Japan

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