Policy Dialogue on the Participation of Women in Small Scale and Informal Cross Border Trade in Mozambique

04 July 2023
08:00 - 13:00 hrs.
, Mozambique

UNCTAD is presenting its Policy Review publication Mozambique’s Integration into Regional Value Chains and the Role of Women Small-Scale Cross-Border Traders at a Policy Dialogue on Studies on the Participation of Women in Small Scale and Informal Cross Border Trade in Mozambique hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with TradeMark Africa. The Policy Dialogue will be held in the context of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s launching of a Subcommittee of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) on the topic of small-scale trade. To this end, UNCTAD will also present guidelines on the structure, functioning and objectives of this subcommittee.

The Policy Dialogue will take place in Maputo, Mozambique and will bring together senior policymakers and relevant stakeholders to discuss public policy actions to address the challenges faced by small-scale and informal cross-border traders, with an eye to providing solutions that facilitate trade and increase formalization among these traders.

Sponsor / funding:
TradeMark Africa

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