UNCTAD MC10 event: Continental Free Trade Area - Making it work for Africa

16 December 2015
10:30 - 12:00 hrs. Sarova Stanley Hotel
, Kenya

​​In partnership with the Government of Kenya, UNCTAD has organized a series of high-level events on the margins of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (MC10) in Nairobi. This event will discuss the implications of the African Continental Free Trade Area and how it may best serve the continent.

African countries launched the negotiations on the creation of an African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) at the African Union Summit in June 2015. In the same month the Tripartite Free Trade Area in goods, comprising COMESA, EAC and SADC, was also launched.
The WTO MC10 provides a pertinent background in which to hold high-level policy discussions on how the African trade agenda, as reflected in the CFTA, can be used as a building block for Africa's integration into a strong and development-oriented multilateral trading system (MTS).
The High-level Round Table that is held jointly with the African Union Commission and with the Commonwealth Secretariat will discuss key trade and related policies issues in ensuring positive synergies between the CFTA and African countries engagement in the WTO and the MTS. It would address issues such as:
  • Why is the CFTA central to Africa's more beneficial integration into the MTS and how can momentum in this process be built, in light of the situation in global trade talks.
  • How could CFTA negotiations on liberalization of goods become a catalyst for boosting intra-African trade in goods and enhancing Africa's integration into the global economy?
  • What approach and options to the liberalization of trade in services, under the CFTA, would be best for boosting intra-African trade in services, and build upon African countries multilateral commitments?
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16 Dec 2015
African Union Commission and the Commonwealth Secretariat

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Bonapas Onguglo,
Head a.i.
Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch