VIII Annual Meeting of the UNCTAD - SELA (Latin American Economic System) Working Group on Trade and Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean (WGTC)

10 - 11 October 2018
Serzedello Corrêa Institute
, Brazil

​Latin American Economic System – SELA, CADE Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE and UNCTAD, host the eighth edition of the only regional setting that deals with the issue of trade and competition.

Decision N° 519 of the XXXVI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council of SELA, in October 2010, formally supported the creation of the Working Group on Trade and Competition, whose Secretariat was made up jointly by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA and the General Secretariat of UNCTAD, as Executive Secretariat and Technical Secretariat, respectively.
As a matter of fact, since 2010, SELA and UNCTAD has been hosting the consecutive annual meetings of the Working Group on Trade and Competition which has grown to be the the only regional setting that deals with the issue of trade and competition. It aims to provide a space for policy makers and relevant stakeholders to exchange views about topics that are crucial importance for the region and challenges and trends to the welfare of markets.
Maritime transport and port services are intensive sectors characterized by an imbalance between the supply of capacity in ships and the demand for cargo transport. These difficulties include: low demand due to the fragile growth of world trade since 2009; low freight rates; intense competition among carriers; the struggle to acquire mega-ships; and new stronger environmental regulatory requirements. In order to respond to these problems, the maritime transport sector has tried to optimize capacity and reduce costs, therefore, the market has been concentrated in recent years.
In 2016 and the first half of 2017, the sector registered an increased mergers and acquisitions of maritime transport companies. Therefore, it is important that this issue be analyzed by trade and competition agencies
The eighth edition of Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean (WGTC) will analyse the importance and impact of maritime transport, infrastructure and port services on trade and competition in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Past editions have been hosted in Bogota (2011), Lima (2012), Buenos Aires (2013), Punta Cana (2014), Manta (2015), Roatán (2016) and San Salvador (2017).

10 Oct 2018
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