Latest developments in national and international investment policies

26 October 2015

UNCTAD's latest Investment Policy Monitor shows that, as in previous review periods, the vast majority of new investment policy measures aimed at creating more favourable investment conditions. In total, 41 measures were taken by 25 countries.

2015-10-26_IPM_500x235.gifThe Monitor finds that the share of liberalization and promotion measures reached eighty-five per cent. All investment promotion measures granted tax incentives for investments or facilitated investment procedures. New investment restrictions for foreign investors were mainly based on strategic or national security considerations.

Regarding international investment policies, the Monitor finds that eleven countries concluded seven new international investment agreements (IIAs). These include four bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and three "other IIAs". Negotiations were concluded for seven IIAs, including the megaregional Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, and negotiations are ongoing for numerous other investment treaties.

UNCTAD's Investment Policy Monitor is a regular publication that provides the investment and development community with country-specific, up-to-date information about the latest development in foreign investment policies, both at the national and international level.