UNCTAD launches Responsible Agricultural Investment Knowledge Into Action Note Series

21 March 2018

Today UNCTAD, together with the World Bank Group, launched the UNCTAD-World Bank Responsible Agricultural Investment Knowledge Into Action Note Series in Washington D.C.

The series provides evidence-based advice on crucial issues relevant to the implementation of responsible agricultural investment. Each note provides digestible, easy-to-use information, tools, and guidance to governments, investors, communities, and civil society for use in their pursuit of sustainable and responsible development in agriculture.

Participants at the launch were welcomed by Mr Martien van Nieuwkoop, Director, Agriculture Global Practice, World Bank Group. Kazuhiko Koguchi, Executive Director of Japan at the Board of the World Bank Group provided opening remarks.

Christopher Brett, Special Advisor on Agriculture, World Bank Group and William Speller, Economist, UNCTAD explained the content of and rationale behind the notes.

Dr. Lorenzo Cotula, Principal Researcher, International Institute for Environment and Development noted the importance and relevance of the notes from the perspective of the private sector, host country government and civil society.

Dr. James Zhan, Director, Division on Investment and Enterprise, endorsed the notes from Geneva, saying: "Increased investment in agriculture in developing countries is essential to realization of the SDGs, but it must be conducted in a manner that maximizes the socio-economic benefits and minimizes associated risks.

The UNCTAD-World Bank Responsible Agricultural Investment Knowledge Into Action Note Series represents an important step forward in turning principles for responsible agricultural investment into practical guidance that can be implemented on the ground by investors, governments, civil society and communities."

The list of notes in the series is depicted below.

Responsible Agricultural Investment