UNCTAD sharing knowledge on Non-Tariff Measures in the APEC Public-Private Dialogue to advance understandings on NTMs in Textile Industry

18 April 2018

Following the invitation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam – the host of the APEC Public – Private Dialogue to advance understandings on NTMs in Textile Industry, UNCTAD has joined the dialogue from 12 – 13 April 2018 in Hanoi and shared practical knowledge on NTMs in the textile and garment industry, and on mitigating NTMs’ adverse impacts as trade barriers.

The APEC Public – Private Dialogue to advance understandings on Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) in Textile Industry in Hanoi, April 12-13, 2018 was opened by H.E. Tran Quoc Khanh, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Viet Nam. Six sessions covered different topics related to NTMs and their impacts in the textile industry.

The dialogue gave room for speakers and audience from various background (academia, government, textile association, private business) to compare their understanding of NTMs in the textile industry, to share their practical experience of accessing different textile markets, and to brainstorm solutions for better designed policies that mitigate unintended impacts of NTMs.

UNCTAD led two sessions: Overview of NTMs in the textile industry, and Mitigating NTMs’ adverse impacts.

“NTMs are of particular importance in the textile sector and thus highly relevant for APEC countries”, Ms. Chi-Le Ngo from the Trade Analysis Branch emphasized.

The last session put forward the discussion on bridging the gaps in NTMs in the textile industry among APEC members for the realization of The Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).

APEC workshop

The group discussion afterwards focused on the promotion of textile industry through better design and implementation of NTMs.

Participants from various countries shared stories from their perspectives to highlight the roles of NTMs in the development of the textile industry and built together a draft chapter of textiles in the FTAAP.

List of speakers:

  • Mr Herbert Akio Sumi, Editor of the Asian Textile Business

  • Mr Tony Irawan, Executive Secretary to Economic Study Magister Program Economic Science, Department of Economic, Faculty of Economic and Management, Bogor Agricultural University

  • Ms Qin Yuan, Deputy Director, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China

  • Mr Vuong Duc Anh, Director, Agency of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Viet Nam

  • Mr Nguyen Anh Duong, Director, Department for Macroeconomic Policy and Integration Studies, Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), Viet Nam

  • Ms Nguyen Huong Tra, Consultant, Viet Nam

  • Ms Chi-Le Ngo, Trade Analysis Branch, UNCTAD