SALMA Dialogue for Gender Equality, Inclusive Governance and Innovative Leadership: A catalyst for gender parity

Statement by Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of UNCTAD

SALMA Dialogue for Gender Equality, Inclusive Governance and Innovative Leadership: A catalyst for gender parity

25 October 2023

[Video recording]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Distinguished guests,

and all participants joining us today both in-person and virtually,

It is both an honor and a privilege to be able to share this moment with all of you, gathering today in Casablanca for this year’s edition of the SALMA Dialogue for Gender Equality.

The Salma Dialogue is a testament to the power of south-south and triangular cooperation, bringing together, year after year, the wisdom and voices from Africa and Latin America, my home region.

This south-south transatlantic dialogue will only become more important in the coming years and decades, as we heed the call to emphasize a shared future, where the Global South can be a leader, not just a participant, in crafting the policies and initiatives that will shape our world.

Today, we are gathered to discuss a critical subject: "Inclusive Governance and Innovative Leadership: A Catalyst for Gender Parity." Allow me to share, very briefly, some thoughts on this crucial issue, for me one of the pivotal issues of the 21st century.

Inclusive governance recognizes that decisions have more impact when all segments of society are involved.

It acknowledges the simple truth that the world is left wanting when we ignore the potential contributions of half of our population.

And yet, despite the simple logic of all of this, we are still very, very far from achieving the inclusive governance we need.

Today, there are only 26 countries where women serve as Head of State or Government.

Data from UN Women show that women represent only 22 per cent of all ministerial positions worldwide, with most of them serving as head of the Women or Family Ministries.

Only one quarter of parliamentarians worldwide are women, with only six countries in the world having achieved gender parity in their parliaments – four of them, by the way, from Africa and Latin America: Rwanda, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Mexico.

In terms of the private sector, Europe is the region with the highest percentage of women in CEO roles, but the rate is still alarmingly low 7.9 per cent. This is followed by North America at 7 per cent, Africa at 6 per cent, Asia at 3 per cent, and Latin America at 1.5 per cent.

At these rates, it is no wonder that full gender equality is now three hundred years away according to UN Women.

This is an unacceptable proposition for half of all humanity.

However, inclusivity should not be mistaken for a mere numbers game.

It is about the qualitative aspect of participation — the sense of ownership, contribution, and belonging that comes when everyone, regardless of gender, can participate meaningfully in societal decisions.

Innovative leadership is key to advance in this qualitative aspect.

It encourages us to think beyond conventional solutions, to be bold in our ambitions, and to be creative in our approaches.

It means fostering environments where each person is encouraged to bring new perspectives and solutions to the table.

For true innovation in leadership, gender parity is not a choice; it is a necessity.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

The success of this mission does not depend on one region alone.

Cooperation is our strength.

And inclusive governance in gender must be reflected in inclusive multilateralism.

We cannot expect to achieve gender parity if we cannot at the same time achieve an equal voice for the global south in multilateral discussion.

This is why our two regions, and this dialogue, are so important.

They are, in themselves, a reflection of the world we aspire to.

In closing, as we move forward from this dialogue, I urge each of you to carry with you the stories, the statistics, and the strategies you have heard.

Let them inspire you and guide your actions.

Each step we take towards inclusive governance and innovative leadership brings us closer to a world where gender parity is the norm, not the exception.

A world where our common humanity is the cornerstone of our governance.

Thank you, and let's get to work.