Investment Promotion and its Impact on Gender equality: Moving the needle on SDG 5

IPA Observer 14 - 2023

Investment promotion is a government tool that can impact gender equality and women’s empowerment, embodied in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5, by influencing the type of foreign direct investment (FDI) that is targeted and enhancing its benefits.

At the same time, SDG 5 can strengthen a country’s enabling environment for FDI, by expanding the available talent pool and know-how, the local supplier base, entrepreneurial ecosystems as well as social cohesion, important for economic development and key determinants for foreign investors.

This edition of the IPA Observer looks at whether governments, specifically institutions in charge of attracting investment like investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and special economic zones (SEZs), are addressing gender equality as they strive to attract finance towards SDG objectives.

It draws from a recent survey of 71 investment promotion institutions, including both IPAs and SEZs,  from across the world. A majority of surveyed institutions reported that they are promoting gender equality in some aspect of their work.

They are doing so as part of their investment promotion and facilitation activities.

At the institutional level, they are empowering women and promoting gender equality in-house.

Investment Promotion and its Impact on Gender equality: Moving the needle on SDG 5 - IPA Observer 14 - 2023  (UNCTAD/DIAE/PCB/INF/2023/6)
16 Oct 2023