UNCTAD to participate in ICPEN Conference; presenting the latest developments in e-commerce

08 - 09 October 2013
Megapolis Convention Center
Panama City
, Panama

ICPEN is the most important gathering of consumer protection enforcement agencies worldwide. During its conference, UNCTAD will have the opportunity to present the latest developments on the issue of E-commerce in the light of the United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Protection.
UNCTAD has undertaken an assessment of the United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Protection (UNGCP), first adopted by the General Assembly in 1985(Resolution A/C.2/54/L.24 9TH) and last revised in 1999. In doing so, experts in the First Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Consumer Protection of 2012 identified a variety of issues that would merit being included in the Guidelines, in particular: e-commerce and financial services.
In order to evaluate the state of implementation of the UNGCP, UNCTAD circulated a questionnaire to all Member States. The questionnaire included a specific chapter on e-commerce. The result of this exercise is the Implementation Report of the United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Protection (1985-2013) (TD/B/C.I/CLP/23), which was presented and discussed at Second Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Consumer Protection in July 2013.
Experts value the work undertaken on the issue of e-commerce by other organizations, such as ICPEN, OECD, OAS, UNCITRAL and Consumers International, and asked UNCTAD to set up Working groups on this and other issues (also financial services, implementation of the UNGCP, and 'other issues') to assist the Secretariat in drafting its report, to be submitted to the VII Conference to Review the United Nations Set of Principles on Competition of 2015.
UNCTAD will present the result on e-commerce summarized in its Implementation Report of 2013, and invite delegates to actively participate in the Working Groups. UNCTAD would like to use this oppoortunity to present the results of its Implementation Report on the UNGCP on the specific issue of E-commerce as well as the Working Group on E-commerce and its methodology of work from ICPEN until 2015.
The individual objectives of the session are:
·          Present the results of the Implementation Report of the UNGCP on the issue of E-commerce
·          Present the work plan of the Working Groups on E-commerce through its Chair
·          Receive input on the Implementation Report and work plan and methodology of the Working group on E-commerce
·          Entice agencies' participation in the process.
The expected outcomes of the meeting include:
·          constructive debate on the state of e-commerce worldwide
·          input for the constitution and work plan of Working Groups
·          interest of participants to participate in the Working Groups
ICPEN Secretariat/ACODECO (Panama Consumer Protection Agency)

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Arnau Izaguerri
Tel: +41 22 917 5758