Training of Trainers workshop - UNCTAD Port Management Programme – Spanish Speaking network

Training of Trainers workshop - UNCTAD Port Management Programme – Spanish Speaking network

Puerto de Gijón, credits: TrainForTrade

03 - 14 July 2023
, Spain

The Spanish-speaking Network of UNCTAD’s Port Management Programme/TrainForTrade organizes the Training of Trainers Workshop for modules 5 to 8 of the Course on Modern Port Management, in cooperation with Puertos del Estado, the Port Authority of Valencia, the Port Authority of Gijon and the Port Authority of Las Palmas.

The workshop will be held in the city of Gijon-Spain, from 3 to 14 July 2023 for 29 representatives (10 women) from the public and private sectors of the port communities of Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela will participate.

UNCTAD will issue the UNCTAD’s Port Certificate to participants who have successfully completed and approved all 4 modules.

The Workshop aims to:

  1. Train port specialists (managers and heads of area) on the content of modules 5 to 8 of the course "Modern Management of Ports".
  2. Define the framework for national training in port communities in beneficiary countries.
  3. Promote and strengthen the networking of port communities.

At the end of the workshop the participants will be able to:

  • Assess the current and future role of a commercial port;
  • Take stakeholder’s needs into account;
  • Manage daily tasks according to port priorities;
  • Participate in improving the efficiency of ports;
  • Understand the role and functions of an innovative port that integrates the future needs of the port community;
  • Use with the skills and knowledge acquired to facilitate modules in their home countries
  • Use UNCTAD’s Port Management Programme teaching materials and;
  • Replicate the workshop at the national level for the benefit of the middle managers of your own port community.

They will also have established new contacts and professional relations with representatives of other port communities in Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain; strengthened group learning through the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and platforms for reflection and debate.

Puertos del Estado, the Port Authority of Valencia, the Port Authority of Gijon and the Port Authority of Las Palmas.
Sponsor / funding:
Port Authority of Gijon

Español  |    



Transport, logistics and trade facilitation Transport, logistics and trade facilitation Training and capacity building Training and capacity building



Mr. Gonzalo Ayala
Knowledge Management Officer 

Ms. Maria Luz Jaureguiberry
Programme Assistant