ICPEN - International Consumer Protection Enforcement Network High-level Meeting and Annual Conference

18 - 20 mars 2020
Agora Conference Centre of Bogotá D.C., Colombia
, Colombie

​The International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) is an organization of consumer protection law enforcement authorities from over 65 countries.
ICPEN provides a forum for discussion and encourages enforcement cooperation between agencies.

Colombia, as ICPEN President for 2019-2020, hosts this important event to continue its leadership towards Guiding Consumers in the Digital World and to promote the development of consumer protection within this Network.
During the ICPEN High-Level Meeting, topics discussed include cross-border enforcement cooperation and measuring the impact of an authority’s work.
During the ICPEN Conference, topics discussed include, among other issues, websites design and its impact in consumer psychology, sales through social media, sustainability and advertising, the prioritization of children protection as vulnerable consumers, and unfair trading practices in the financial sector.
UNCTAD will intervene in the high-level session on cross-border enforcement cooperation following the ongoing work of its Working Group in Consumer protection in E-commerce, and on sustainability and consumer challenges related to green claims enforcement actions.
Sponsor / funding:
Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio de Colombia

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