Summer School 2019: The Crisis of Multilateralism - in a Global Green New Deal the Solution?

26 - 30 août 2019
Room XXII, Palais des Nations

The School will bring together academics, policy experts and young policymakers and scholars, to participate in an international debate on globalization and the management of its consequences for developing countries.

It is planned as an interdisciplinary academic forum to provide participants with insights regarding current policy debates in which UNCTAD is engaged.

The interdisciplinary approach aims to deliver an integral theoretical, historical, economic and policymaking perspective on the topics.

The topics are:

  • UNCTAD and Multilateralism: From UNCTAD I to the Global Green New Deal: A discussion on the evolution of UNCTAD's role in the promotion of development friendly multilateral system.

  • Breakdown of the multilateral system: Sessions to analyze the challenges faced by the breakdown of the multilateral system with a focus on corporate rentierism, international trade, global value chains, and digital economies.

  • Geneva principles for a Global Green New Deal: Sessions to discuss the goals and principles set by the Global Green New Deal and their implications in the areas of corporate and financial regulation, equality and social exclusion, climate change, and employment.

Palais des Nations 

Young scholars currently enrolled in a Masters or PhD program may apply to participate and present their work.

Deadline for Application is 30 June 2019

Daily activities will involve:

  • Lectures by UNCTAD staff, senior academics and policy makers

  • Presentations by Young Scholars

  • Interactive debates between participants

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