Towards model regional trade agreements provisions for fisheries and agri-food trade in times of crisis

Towards model regional trade agreements provisions for fisheries and agri-food trade in times of crisis
29 October 2020
17:00 - 18:00 hrs. Bangkok time (GMT+7), virtual meeting

This session is part of the United Nations webinar series "Towards model provisions for trade in times of crisis and pandemic in regional and other trade agreements" and will address the topic of provisions for trade of fish and fish products in trade agreements in times of crisis and pandemic.

The objective of the session is to assess current challenges faced by regional trade agreements in keeping flows of fish and agricultural food products across borders. Emphasis will be placed on the experience faced by regional trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Registration form

28 Oct 2020
UNESCAP, UNCTAD, FAO, and the Singapore Management University

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