UNCTAD, DOALOS and Commonwealth – Field Mission to Barbados: An Oceans Economy and Trade Strategy for Barbados

20 - 22 June 2018
, Barbados

​ The Oceans Economy and Trade Strategy (OETS) project starts with a field mission in all beneficiary countries. During the field mission, UNCTAD's team of experts will undertake a preliminary data analysis and stakeholder mapping on the potential of ocean-based economic sectors and products. DOALOS and Commonwealth experts will carry out the legal regulatory and governance mapping.

ditc-ted-20062018-barbados-boat-550.jpgBarbados is a country that possesses an outstanding natural coastal and marine endowment as well as a privileged geographical position. It is also a  country vulnerable to climate related events such as hurricanes, sargassum tides and sea level rising. The field mission will also provide an opportunity to present the project to all relevant government agencies with competence in oceans related matters, gathering relevant data and source identification, and discussing the nature and structure of key ocean-based sectors to be selected for preliminary research under the assessment/formulation phase of the OETS project.


​Sectors selected for further research
(factsheets and legal analyses)
Specific issues of interest as identified by Barbados Team​Links to UNCTAD classification of Ocean based sectors (also to WTO 120 when relevant)​

   Sustainable marine fisheries

Barbados presently produced between 2000-3000 metric tonnes of fish per year from marine catches. However, Barbados is presently under the quota set by ICCAT for tunas and swordfish. Hence, there is potential to sustainably increase the production and expand trade of tunas and swordfish and their value-added products.


​a) Increase in production from tunas and swordfish without overfishing of stocks, destruction of their habitats or adversely affecting the other users of the marine space.
b) Develop a cost-effective data collection system for monitoring fisheries and trade activities and providing accurate data for decision making.
c) Expand the trade in tunas and swordfish products and value-added products (develop existing markets and identify new markets).


​Goods (trade data exists)
Sector A: Marine Fisheries (harvesting + trade)
Services (low probability of data)
WTO (W120)
f: Other business services 
g. Services incidental to fishing


CPC V2.1 (2015): 86153: Support services to fishing

​  Sustainable marine Aquaculture


At present there is a relatively small production from aquaculture.
FAO is presently conducting a project on aquaculture production aimed at increasing aquaculture production in finfish.


Locally, there is the production of seamoss drink (value-added) using imported seamoss. There is also imported packaged seamoss being sold in local markets.


Therefore, there is potential to supply the local seamoss demand by locally grown seamoss. 


​a) Investigate the feasibility of growing seamoss locally to supply local demand.
b) Develop the trade in locally produced seamoss drinks and other value-added products (attracting new producers, producing new value-added products, developing existing markets and identifying new markets).
​Goods (production data exist):
Sector B: Aquaculture
Services (low probability of data)
CPC V2.1 (2015): 86154: Support services to aquaculture
​Seafood processing
Barbados is producing value-added fish products such as frozen fish pack, fish sausages, fish fingers, fish nuggets, fish burgers and seamoss drink.
Barbados produces large quantities for fish waste which are dumped in the landfill.
There is potential for expanding in the type and quantity of existing value-added seafood products, in addition to convert the fish waste to value-added products.
The large quantities of sargassum seaweed inundating our shores have tremendous potential as tradable commodity such as biofuels and fertilizers.
​a) Develop and expand markets and trade in existing value-added products.
b) Identify technology that removes the flesh from fish trims (waste) to produce fish batter, fish spread or high protein supplements; the remaining bone can be used to provide calcium supplements.
c) Identify other value-added products from fish waste, which can be produced economically and marketed, e.g. fish oils, jewellery, leather and meal. [small quantities of fish oils are being produced locally for the domestic market].
d) Identify the value-added sargassum seaweed products that can be produced economically and marketed.
​Goods (trade data exist):
Sector C: Seafood production
Sector D. Blue BioTrade  (only those related to seafood for human consumption):
​Coastal and Marine Environmental Services
sectors compete for the resources in the marine space, giving rise to conflict, overexploitation of the resources and damage to the ecosystem. Consequently, no one sector realises the full benefits from the exploitation of the marine resources.
As we pursue a Blue Economy there is an urgent need for a comprehensive, integrated, governance framework, in which the various users of the marine resources can trade and realise their full potential in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner. 
​a) Develop a governance framework for the sustainable use of fisheries and/or marine resources (for economic growth and trade, recreation, improved livelihoods and jobs) and health of the marine space. This shall include outlines for:
• Legislation and polices in light of Barbados’ current international fisheries and fisheries related obligations.
• Institutional arrangements, training and capacity building required to give effect to the governance framework.
​Services (low probability of data):
WTO (W120)
6. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES                                  
A. Sewage services 9401
B. Refuse disposal services 9402
C. Sanitation and similar services 9403
UN CPC V2.1 2015
839 Other professional, technical and business
94 Sewage and waste collection, treatment and disposal and other environmental protection services
96422 Nature reserve services including wildlife preservation services


News items
14 Jun 2018
UNCTAD, DOALOS and Commonwealth

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Related Site:

Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch

Evidence-based and policy coherent Oceans Economy and Trade Strategies


Mr. David Vivas Eugui,