UNCTAD/CFC/UN-OHRLLS Side Event at the High-Level Seminar: Accelerating Sustainable Energy for All in Landlocked Developing Countries through Innovative Partnerships

25 October 2016
11:00 - 08:00 hrs. 13:30-15:00 hrs., Room C3, Vienna International Centre
, Austria

The role of energy in boosting productive capacities, commodity diversification and fostering structural economic transformation in LLDCs

The Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) for the decade 2014-2024 underscores the importance of energy in sustainable development of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs)

Priority area 2 (b) of the VPoA states that energy infrastructure and access to affordable energy "is critically important for modernizing information and communication technol ogies and transit systems, reducing delays and enhancing productive capacities to achieve sustained economic growth and sustainable development"

This side event will deliberate on the synergies between development of the energy sector and boosting pr oductive capacities, commodity diversification and fostering structural economic transformation. It will assist in formulating a diverse set of policies and strategies on sustainable, reliable and affordable en ergy reflecting the diversity of circumstances facing LLDCs.

Questions to be addressed:

  • How can investing in small-scale sustainable energy in commodity value chains enhance export diversification and competitiveness in LLDCs?

  • What are key policy instruments and strategies that should be pursued in LLDCs to improve access to modern, sustainable and affordable energy?

  • How can access to affordable energy contribute to reduce the high trade costs faced by the LLDCs?

  • How can energy producing and exporting LLDCs make better use of energy to foster productive capacities and structural economic transformation in their economies?

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25 Oct 2016
25 Oct 2016
Common Fund for Commodities; UN-OHRLLS
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