UNCTAD Public Symposium: Responding to Global Crises: New Development Paths

10 - 11 mai 2010

The confluence of the global crises have been discussed extensively over the last year and continue to remain at the centre of world concerns due to the effects on the global economy and significant slowdowns in economic growth particularly in the case of developing and emerging economies.

UNCTAD Public Symposium 2010UNCTAD´s 2nd Public Symposium will debate "Responding to Global Crises: New Development Paths". It will examine policy ideas emanating from the economic and financial crises and go beyond to look at more inclusive and sustainable sets of polices at the national and international levels as a response mechanism.

Key topics to be debated:

1. Rethinking global economic governance: towards trade and financial reforms for enhancing development

  • International policy challenges for sustainable recovery (example: new debt crisis, cutbacks on Overseas Development Assistance (ODA)

  • What are the systemic obstacles to national recovery strategies

  • New financial architectures

  • Recurrent boom and bust cycles

  • Support to new development paths (policy coherence and coordination, innovative finance, policy space and democratizing economic governance

2. Sustainable development strategies

  • Inter related challenges facing developing countries to bring about more environmentally sustainable and inclusive growth (example: green growth/ green development, food and energy security, role of commodities, more employment-intensive growth, a better balance between export-led and domestic consumption-led growth, new approaches to investment strategies, better balance between financial and productive sectors, reduced income equality)

  • Implications for new approaches to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


The findings will be a formal input to the September 2010 MDG Review Summit at the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Target Audience:

Participation will be open to representatives of civil society organizations, private sector entities, parliamentarians, academia, officials from interested United Nations agencies, member States, International Organizations and the media.

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