COP24 Side Event: The Roles of Fiscal Policy, Financial Markets and Trade in Implementing the Paris Agreement

11 December 2018
07:00 - 09:30 hrs. 6.30–8 p.m., Pieniny Room
, Poland

A Panel Discussion with IFAD, IMF, UNCTAD, UNEP and WTO.
Moderated by Mr. Eric Usher, UN Environment.


  • Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow, Special Climate Change Envoy, Poland / Representative from MoF/MoE
  • Ms. Paxina Chileshe, Adaptation Specialist in IFAD, IFAD
  • Mr. Ian Parry, Principal Environmental Fiscal Policy Expert, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF
  • Mr. Alexey Vikhlyaev, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD
  • Mr. Mark Radka, Chief of Energy and Climate Branch, Economy Division, UN Environment
  • Mr. Aik Hoe Lim, Director of Trade and Environment Division, WTO


Moderated, with opening remarks by panelists (5-8 minutes each),
 followed by audience Q&A.​
​18:15–18.30​​Panel members arrive in the Narew Room and finalize any last-minute logistics
18.30​Panel members proceed to table.
18.30–19.25​Following a welcome by the moderator, each panelist offers opening remarks of 5-8 minutes  based on the questions below asked by the moderator. The moderator asks panelists follow up questions (with possible interaction by other panelists as time permits). Mr. Chruszczow will join the panel from 18.40-19.00.
19.25-19.55​The moderator opens the floor to Q&A with the audience.
19.55-20.00​​Closing remarks: each panelist offers a ‘30-second take-away’.



In the context of NDCs, the panel will discuss:

  1. Carbon pricing and other mitigation policies – exploring policy options and understanding the potentially positive impacts on emissions, fiscal balances, and the economy of carbon taxes or emissions trading of fiscal and other mitigation policies such as carbon pricing, fossil fuel subsidy reform, incentives for energy efficiency, renewable energy subsidies and incentives in the transport sector.
  2. The role of open, rules-based trade and markets in promoting enabling conditions – using trade to implement NDCs and to leverage the various co-benefits, including social outcomes; dealing with response measures in cooperation with the trading partners; promoting an efficient allocation of the world's natural resources, raising standards of living (and hence the demand for better environmental quality) and improving access to environmental goods and services.
  3. Mobilizing climate finance and developing new risk management instruments and processes to build smallholders' resilience, including a pilot program of financial solutions that protect smallholder farmers’ revenues against climate-related disasters and price shocks, contributing to more predictable incomes and more sustainable livelihoods for rural farmers.
11 Dec 2018

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Related Site:

TED branch, home page
Trade and Environment, Climate Change and
 Sustainable Development.
Ad Hoc Expert Meeting
Implementing The Paris Agreement: Response Measures and Trade
3 October 2017, Geneva

(24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
2-14 December 2018, Katowice, Poland


Mr. Alexey Vikhlyaev