Expert Meeting on Market Entry Conditions Affecting Competitiveness and Exports of Goods and Services of Developing Countries: Large Distribution Networks, Taking into Account the Special Needs of LDCs

26 - 28 November 2003

Opening the trading doors wider – increased market access – to commodities and services originating from developing countries and LDCs, on its own, is not a panacea for sustained growth and development.

Entrepreneurs will realize the full benefits of and grasp the opportunities arising from the dynamics of trade liberalization and globalization, by diligently complying to a battery of market entry conditions at all levels – international, regional, national, and firm.

The growing role and influence of a few multinational supermarket networks in the global agro-food value chains and the supply of services generate both challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs from developing countries and LDCs. This is largely because these large and complex networks are increasingly determining how, where, when food is produced, packaged, stored, delivered, priced, traded and consumed. Their growing presence also affects the provision of distribution services by developing country firms and evokes links with competition law and policy in the developing world.

The expert meeting will identify policy interventions and strategic actions needed to address market entry conditions in the light of this global phenomenon.

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