Final dissertations and evaluations of the case studies for the 7th cycle of the Modern Port Management course in Peru

10 - 11 November 2022
, Peru

From 10 to 11 November 2022 will take place in Lima - Peru  the final dissertations and evaluations of the case studies prepared by participants of the 7th cylce of the Course on Modern Port Management of UNCTAD’s Port Management Programme/TrainForTrade.

The evaluation panels organised by the National Port Authority and UNCTAD will be carried out with the participation of international experts from Argentina, Bolivia, Spain, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and national experts trained and certified by UNCTAD. 

The case studies were elaborated in the framework of the Modern Port Management course, to present concrete proposals to respond to identified problems – technical, organisational, security, management, etc. – in the respective areas of work of the group of participants.   

The topics of the chosen case studies are recognised by the institutions of each participant as being of interest for possible implementation. In this way, the study has a real added value for the organisations.    

Participants will gain UNCTAD’s Port certificate by having successfully passed the course and successfully submitted the case study.    

The featured case studies will be presented in volume 13 of the UNCTAD Port Management Series. Link to previous publications

UNCTAD will also finance the participation in a study tour to a partner port in Spain for 3 participants to deepen the training undertaken in the course.   

The Port Management Programme includes among other activities:   

  • Training of trainers courses 
  • Modern Port Management training cycle (240 hours of on-site training for middle management, innovative materials, port visits) 
  • Elaboration and defence of an end-of-course project before an international jury of experts 
  • Study trip to partner ports of the Programme 
  • Cooperation between beneficiary ports, experts and UNCTAD partner organisations 
  • Participation in the port performance scorecard 
  • Assistance and advice to port communities through UNCTAD experts and partner ports 
  • Advocacy meetings and exchange of experiences of representatives of port communities 
  • Publication of Port Management Series with  a selection of course final papers 
  • Networking to promote and strengthen the port communities of the Programme.  
Sponsor / funding:
Autoridad Portuaria Nacional

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