What is the DMFAS software?
UNCTAD’s Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) is software designed to help countries manage their external and domestic public debt. DMFAS monitors debt obligations such as government, government-guaranteed and on-lending debts, as well as grants. It can also be used to monitor private non-guaranteed external debt.
What is DMFAS 6?
DMFAS 6 is the sixth major release of the DMFAS Programme software since 1982. Based on state-of-the-art web technology, DMFAS 6 is accessible from commonly used web browsers, with a customizable user interface and enhanced security. It offers all the existing functions of the previous version (5.3) and many new features for all levels of users.​
DMFAS Solution graph
Graph 2

This new version is a response to the following developmens:

  • New practices in debt magement offices (back, middle and front office)

  • New types of organizations in debt management offices

  • Advances in computer technology

  • Demands and needs of DMFAS client institutions

Usually installed in the Central Bank and/or Ministry of Finance, it provides accurate and timely information for debt management. DMFAS enables debt officers to:



Record bids on money market instruments, as well as notes and bonds on a single price or multi-price basis​​
AdministrationRecord all information concerning loans, grants and debt securities including their possible relationship to projects and to different national budget accounts
mobilizationCreate and update estimated disbursements automatically
AdministrationCalculate all amortization tables automatically
mobilizationRecord real drawings, real subscriptions and debt service operations​
Debt serviceIdentify loans where debt service is in arrears and calculate late interest​
ReportsProduce a wide range of standard and customized reports including reports for validation, control and statistical bulletins
analysisPerform analysis of their debt portfolio and build debt strategies ​

For more information:


DMFAS 6 Brochure (EN)​​

Brochure SYGADE 6 (FR)

Folleto SYGADE 6 (SPA)


HSR Cover

Updated January 2024: Hardware and software requirements (EN)

Mise à jour janvier 2024: Configuration matérielle et logicielle SYGADE 6 (FR)

Actualización enero 2024: SIGADE 6: requisitos de hardware y software (SP)